You read the personal development books, listen to the audio CD’s and attend the seminars…..But you still feel stuck. What’s up with that? You’re learning and growing but yet fall victim to the same results in your business over and over again. I finally HIT THE WALL the other day my friend. Since 2006 I’ve […]

Feeling Stuck? How To Grow Your Business
You’ve plateaued in your business and now you’re feeling stuck. Frustrated. Confused. Stressed. If you’re anything like me, you’ve hit the wall a few times in business. Everyone has. I’m not going to say it’s fun. That would be like putting lipstick on a pig. When we’re feeling stuck it seems everything slows down, and you can definitely […]
How to Make Money When You Have No Money
Have you ever felt deflated because of your lack of money? I remember went it hit me the hardest. I was at a comedy club and the comedian said, “you know you’re broke when you don’t care if someone steals your credit cards.” Ahhhhhh…Yes (shrink in my seat.) How can you turn your life around […]
Proven Way to ATTRACT Unlimited NEW Promoters
Have you ever wondered… Why don’t people sign-up with me every month in my business??? I talk to people, post on Facebook, do home parties and yet people still don’t sign-up. Why don’t I have more promoters in my business! There are many reasons, but a common one usually comes from “lack of trust.” It […]
How Do I Earn A Full-Time Income From Home? Q&A
Kris Britton is the visionary behind and her health & wellness blog, she is a Certified Life & Success Coach and Successful Home Based Entrepreneur. Kris is known as a messenger for Financial Freedom. She provides step by step strategies that transform women’s businesses and lives. Kris’ coaching tools help women unlock their […]
“Overcoming Procrastination” – 1 way to stop NOW!
If you’ve found yourself putting off important tasks over and over again, you’re not alone. In fact, many people procrastinate to some degree – but some are so chronically affected by procrastination that it stops them fulfilling their potential and disrupts their careers. The key to controlling this destructive habit is to recognize when you […]
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