I’ve been doing a lot of slowing down and self-care lately. Do you feel guilty when you make time for yourself to relax? I feel as spiritual entrepreneurs we have a natural drive to help others. Yet, it can be incredibly hard to help ourselves. I still bump up against feeling guilty at times when […]

Why am I not further ahead in life by now?
My BIG goal for this year has been to release the need to control. Can you relate? I feel as spiritual entrepreneurs we always have this feeling of needing to arrive. Arrive at our goals, dreams, destination, or desired lifestyle. Over the last few months I’ve gone much deeper into accepting where I’m at. Going […]

7 Veils Of Illusion Humanity Is Lifting To Awaken
It’s great to be here with you. I wish we could connect on a deeper level but I’ll do my best to be with you over text. You may be seeing a lot of changes in your life, and changes in the people around you. Since Dec 22, 2012 humanity has been on an […]

Become A Spiritual Money Magnet Q&A
I’m writing to you from my “Bliss Room” in Vancouver, Canada. AKA….my office! We recently moved to a new home that backs onto a golf course beside a beautiful country club! I’m incredibly honoured and grateful. I feel so excited, passionate, and happy! It’s actually scientifically proven that happy people earn more money. If you’ve […]

The Secret To Having It All
I’m writing to you while lying on our first ever king size bed. OMG I think I’m in heaven. Do you have one? If not, you’ve got to get one. I’m lying on my back and typing away on my iPhone. Why? Well, I took the last two days off to just BE. The best […]

Energy Vortexes + Spiritual Adventures In Sedona, Arizona (Bell Rock)
I’m writing to you while being back in Vancouver, Canada…..for a bit. I was in Sedona, Azizona over the last few days and I’ve had some WILD spiritual experiences to say the least. I shot this video for you on the top of Bell Rock. The entire rock is an energy vortex and I had […]
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