I’m writing to you from Sedona, Arizona! It’s a beautiful HOT day and I’m blown away with the brilliance and energy in this little hub. Before I flew out I had a few excuses as to why I shouldn’t go. Even though I knew my intuition was telling me to go. All the signs lined […]

Feeling “Off” Lately? You’re Not Alone….Here’s Why The Entire World Is Changing
I’m writing to you as I get ready for my first visit to Sedona, Arizona! This was a totally unexpected trip but when the Universe calls me to do something I know it’s time to go! I have Sedona, Egypt, Peru, Australia, and Mt. Shasta, California all on my spiritual list of places I’m called […]

Are Your Money Beliefs Keeping You Stuck? (How To Change Them Today)
I’m really excited to share this video with you today! I feel there’s a big shift happening in the world today. Our beliefs systems are being opened up and challenged. You might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, or frustrated with your current results in business and in life. I totally get it. My coach taught me […]

How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom! [3-Part Video Series]
Are you almost where you want to be with your business and your life? Are your passions and goals almost being met? This 3-Part Video Series help you get rid of that “almost”. Be sure to watch all the videos inside the “How To Jump Start Your Happiness, Money And Freedom” 3-Part Free Video Series. […]

How To Stop Self-Sabotage And Get What You Really Want
I’ve got a special video for you today that’s going to help you get what you REALLY want in life! You’re following your dreams. You’re living your passion. And you’re starting to see the results of doing what you love. But sometimes those early successes come with a serving of self-doubt and fear, and suddenly […]

7 Signs You’re Letting Facebook Distract You From Growing Your Business And Living On Purpose
Well, this is fascinating! Do you ever find yourself mindlessly scrolling the Facebook news feed on autopilot? The other day I caught myself! There I was, scrolling through Facebook and avoiding emailing back a potential client. Facebook (and social media in general) has become the ultimate avoidance tool. A while ago, I started to observe […]
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