I’ve been doing a lot of slowing down and self-care lately. Do you feel guilty when you make time for yourself to relax? I feel as spiritual entrepreneurs we have a natural drive to help others. Yet, it can be incredibly hard to help ourselves. I still bump up against feeling guilty at times when […]
Tag Archives | replace 9-5 income

Why am I not further ahead in life by now?
My BIG goal for this year has been to release the need to control. Can you relate? I feel as spiritual entrepreneurs we always have this feeling of needing to arrive. Arrive at our goals, dreams, destination, or desired lifestyle. Over the last few months I’ve gone much deeper into accepting where I’m at. Going […]

3 Powerful Tips: How To Replace Your 9-5 Income In 3 Months From Doing What You LOVE
What are you seeking as an entrepreneur? Most people I work with are seeking freedom. Not only financial freedom, but spiritual connection and deep freedom to express who they are. Maybe you feel stuck or constricted in a job that you don’t like. What if I told you in three months you could be […]
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